Battle Nations App Reviews

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New PvP System

The new PvP system is a good idea but is porely executed, the way they find players for you to fight is horrible, after 2 or 3 fights the game starts pairing you with players that have units that are imposible to get without spending money and are OP, so in other words after the fist few fights on multiplayer never go on it again cause you’l lose all you troops and you’ll never win

V 4.5 is great! Thanks for 3rd Anniversary chotzkys!

New setup looks great so far. I can really enjoy this games without spending a gazillion $ if I want to. Like the new aynch PvP as well very fun and productive.

Hi Marks for Hilarity of Storyline, less so for communications

As you move from battle to battle, take the time to enjoy the dialog between the story characters. They are the best. Playing solo is fun, but playing in a guild is a new level of game entirely. Unfortunately “finding” players to “friend” and finding a guild is a minor miracle. The game is not intuitively built for finding people of similar interests It’s more like a series of blind dates. But when you finally get it right, all is well.

Great game!

Great game! Fun to pass time!


For sure my favorite game ever, halarious, fun and a great storyline. Five stars for the win!

Pvp Glitches

This is stupid people go on pvp and wait for the timer to go dwon to almost zero and attack so that i don’t get a chance to go and it quits me out of the game saying i left the pvp match

Best Game

This game is one of the best games i ever played.


I LOVE BATTLE NATIONS! It is one of the most addicting games ive ever found. The story line and cou ntless units make this an amazing game plus the HILARIOUS cast of characters.


This game is so addicting! but awesome

Good Entertainment

Love the characters. A slower paced game, that you will play just a bit of daily, but very entertaining.


Battle Nations is one of my more favorite games. Once you get to the higher lvl and unlock cool troops you will love it to.

Retina display not supported

Update it for Retina display. It is not good for eyes without retina support. It is blurry.


too slow! nanos are too pricey

Amazing. Just Amazing.

Truly one of the essentials. Battle Nations is one of the best free-to-play games that I have ever owned. You will greatly enjoy this, I know I did.

good game

very fantastic!!^^

The Main Problem

The main problem with this game is that it is SERIOUSLY unbalanced in favor of people who are willing to $PEND BIG money. I Am try to fight in the PvP, and the equipment people 8 levels below me is STUNNING. It is to the point that it isn’t worth trying to fight them. HOWEVER, that is the only way to get certain items (like bars), therefore unless you spend big money to buy nano pods, you don’t have a fighting chance. Very disappointing.

Great game

I really like this game. It reminds m of Clash of Clans in a way. I think it is defineltely worth the time it takes to do everything and it is really fun. The only one thing that I have to point out is that the pvp is a little unfair. One levels difference can cost you a lot. Even battling a person on your own level sometimes proves to be more difficult than expected. It really depends on whether the person spent money on nano pods or not.

No Point!

Dont even bother!! Unless you plan on spending $200 on nonopods, you dont have a chance in pvp. Leaderboard seems to be full of 24/7 BN tweakers and hacks


Not a bad little game for free, just unfortunate that you have to buy nano’s to get thbigger weapons.

Game brings my computer to a halt after being open for around 30-60 minutes.

Since the version 4.0 update the game brings my computer to a screeching halt after about 30-60 of being open. Not even playing, just being open. The dock becomes unresponsive and Plex starts to stutter. I have to Force Quit it. Lots of people have said on the forums they have the same issue. When I tried to discuss it on Z2’s forums they banned my ability to post on the forums. I have a i5 and 16GB of RAM so my computer should not be the issue.